Nithya Dhyaan Meditation, Thursday @ 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Nithya Dhyaan is a completely revolutionary and scientific meditation as it works from the core (with the body and breath) and allows us to move deeper and deeper into our innermost silence; a silence which is vibrant and alive. It also helps to improve one’s general health.
Man is born as a blissful being, but he loses this state rapidly due to various external factors that condition the mind and disrupt this true nature. Bliss is the true nature of every being. Enjoying the present moment to the fullest is our birthright. There is a yearning to connect to this source of bliss that is hidden deep within us. Layers of mental patterns and emotional disturbances act as barriers when we try to reach this ocean of bliss. Connection to the ocean of bliss enables us to enjoy immense creativity, energy, and intelligence available within each one of us. We only need to present the opportunity to connect to our source of bliss and move inwards towards it.
The 5-step meditation process removes an obstacle which then naturally allows the bliss energy to gush forth helping us relax and rejuvenate the body and mind.
A glimpse of this bliss can only help you move deeper and deeper, helping you establish in it forever.
Life Bliss Meditation (Nithya Dhyaan) - A Guided Meditation For Kundalini Awakening | 21 Minutes