Nithya Kriyas

Join us for our new Nithya Kriya for mental clarity & emotional stability program starting Wed 7 Sep 2022 7pm.
Nithya Kriya is a unique set of healing processes with knowledge and techniques drawn from the most authentic sacred yogic scriptures of Hinduism, with specific combinations compiled and expressed from the personal experience of HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.
These 5 components of asanas with breath (pranamaya), sounds (mantras) and visualization. work in unison to create the intended effect on the body:
Kriyas not only heal the disorders, it awakens your Kundalini.
Nithya Kriyas for Diseases and Disorders

Visit for the latest Nithya Kriyas.


Sharing Experience On Nithya Kriyas For Mental Clarity & Emotional Stability And Excelling in Sports Level #1 for 21 Days + Mucus Free Diet